The Paws-itive Power of Daily Dog Walks: 10 Health Benefits for Both You and Your Furry Friend

The Paws-itive Power of Daily Dog Walks: 10 Health Benefits for Both You and Your Furry Friend

Discover the transformative power of daily dog walks! Enhance cardiovascular health, joint strength, and mental well-being for both you and your furry friend. Embrace a healthier, happier life together.
June 24, 2024
The Perfect Dog Leash: A Pawsitive Impact on You and Your Furry Friend

The Perfect Dog Leash: A Pawsitive Impact on You and Your Furry Friend

Selecting the perfect dog leash is more than a choice; it's an investment in joy. From padded handles to hands-free options, find the leash that transforms walks into adventures.
December 05, 2023
Paws and Play: The Health Benefits of Owning an Active Dog

Paws and Play: The Health Benefits of Owning an Active Dog

Experience the joy of an active lifestyle with your furry companion. DTC Health's liquid glucosamine and pet-friendly items at enhance the bond, making every adventure healthier and happier.
TRY THESE:  Top Seven Low Impact Exercises

TRY THESE: Top Seven Low Impact Exercises

Let's talk about 'low-impact' exercises!

They are gentle on your joints and have a reduced risk of injury. They serve many purposes and are excellent for overall health and wellness.  They're also particularly friendly for just about anyone.

Drum roll...  read on for our top seven choices.

30+ Best Dog Friendly Stores

30+ Best Dog Friendly Stores

It’s shopping season!  Get quality time with your pooch and have them sniff out the perfect gift.  These big name stores may just love them as much as you do!

Here's a list of stores that you can take your doggo to all or most of the time.  (We've also included a short list with a 'hard no' for dogs - no judgement!).

15 Fun Fall Activities To Do With Your Dog

15 Fun Fall Activities To Do With Your Dog

This is the place for all Fall Fun for you and your furry friend!  These 15 activities will have you getting out and embracing the perfect pumpkin atmosphere with your pooch!  

Top 5 Natural Recommendations for Dog Arthritis

Top 5 Natural Recommendations for Dog Arthritis

Does your pooch have a hiccup in their giddy up? If there is an ache or snag in your dog's joints, they may not feel quite like doing the every day things. Read here for all of the details on natural approaches to helping keep your pooch pouncing along each day!
Dog Arthritis:  Symptoms, Types, and Treatments

Dog Arthritis: Symptoms, Types, and Treatments

Does your favorite pal have arthritis?  Or you think that they might?  Explore the different types here along with common symptoms and treatment approaches.